Posture Chairs suitable for 24 Hour a day use | EN5459

24 Hour Use Chairs

24 Hour a Day Posture Office Chairs from Atlantis Office

Features of our chiropractor posture chairs include adjustable seat height, arm height and back height, spacious back to create more support or your shoulders, neck and head, seat slides and a multi-position synchronous mechanism. The main benefits of a posture chair is the ability to adjust your chair throughout the day to find the most comfortable and suitable position for you, to do this you need Lumbar Support, an adjustable back, seat depth adjustment and adjustable arms. 

24 Hour a Day Posture Chairs are certified to EN5459 for 24 hour use, this gives you a peace of mind you can use your chair 24 hours a day without sacrifice of comfort and quality. Incorrect or poor posture can lead to pain and discomfort in the neck, back and spine, shoulders, legs and feet. Incorrect or poor posture can be caused by numerous reasons including sitting in the wrong position, sitting at an incorrect height in comparison to the floor, computer monitors too high or low on the office desk and poor head and neck support amongst many other factors. Our posture chairs are adjustable to make it as simple as possible to eliminate as many of these factors as possible whilst allowing the user to remain comfortable. Why not also have a look at our guide on How to Select the Best Posture Chair for You for guidance and explanations of posture chair features and benefits.